MADE GREEN IN ITALY (MGI) asserts itself as a crucial reference in the field of environmental certifications. This certification system measures the ecological impact of products throughout their lifecycle (LCA), from raw material production to end-of-life disposal. The Decree of the Ministry of Ecological Transition containing the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) for the awarding of design services and construction works introduces the “Made Green in Italy” label among the potential criteria for obtaining a rewarding score for contract awards. The assessment scale ranges from Class A, symbolizing significantly superior environmental performance compared to the reference standard, to Class C, indicating performance below this standard and hindering certification attainment.
Within the evaluation framework, the following products have been subject to analysis of their environmental performance using the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology developed by the European Commission, in accordance with the Product Category Rule “Polyethylene piping systems for fluid distribution” Version 1.0 valid until 05/06/2027. This rule summarizes the requirements and guidelines necessary for conducting an Environmental Footprint Assessment Study aimed at obtaining the Made Green in Italy mark as stipulated by Law No. 221 of December 28, 2015.
- The representative product subject to analysis as indicated by the PCR is a smooth polyethylene piping system SDR17, nominal diameter DN 110 mm, PE100 or PE100 RC for conveying pressurized drinking water or wastewater complying with UNI EN 12201 standards, or for gas transportation under UNI EN 1555 standards. The functional unit (FU), defined in accordance with the applicable PCR, is as follows: “transporting 100 meters of fluid.” The processes included in the life cycle phases considered include raw materials, pipe production and waste treatment, product transportation and on-site installation, and transportation and end-of-life pipe treatment. Compared to the benchmark, Centraltubi pipes under analysis achieved a score of 5.77E-02, which is below the lower threshold of Class B set at 6.01E-02, thus attaining a CLASS A RATING.
- The representative product subject to analysis as indicated by the PCR is a smooth polyethylene piping system SDR33, nominal diameter DN 250 mm, for non-pressure sewers and drains complying with UNI EN 12666 standards. The functional unit (FU), defined in accordance with the applicable PCR, is as follows: “transporting 100 meters of fluid.” The processes included in the life cycle phases considered include raw materials, pipe production and waste treatment, product transportation and on-site installation, and transportation and end-of-life pipe treatment. Compared to the benchmark, Centraltubi pipes under analysis achieved a score of 1.68E-01, which is below the upper threshold of Class B set at 1.74E-01 but above the lower threshold of Class B, set at 1.66E-01, thus they are classified as CLASS B RATING.
- The representative product subject to analysis indicated by the RCP is a system of SN8 corrugated polyethylene pipes, with a nominal diameter of DE250 mm, designed for sewers and non-pressure drainage in compliance with UNI EN 13476-3. The functional unit (UF), as defined in accordance with the applicable RCP, is “to transport 100 meters of fluid”. The processes included in the life cycle stages considered include raw materials, pipe production and waste treatment, transportation, on-site product installation, and transportation and treatment of pipes at the end of their life cycle.
Comparing with the benchmark, Centraltubi pipes under analysis achieved a score of 1.03E-01, which is lower than the upper threshold of Class B at 1.04E-01, but higher than the lower threshold of Class B at 9.98E-02. Therefore, they are classified in MERIT CLASS B.