Founded back in 1987, Pebo has outgrown its original purpose of producing the raw material, becoming a true leader in upcycling of Polyethylene.
The company has been present in the plastics sector with products manufactured using innovative technological processes and a complete compound production line, i.e. high and low density polyethylene granules obtained from virgin raw materials or selected industrial waste.
Custom-made processing technologies and supplier equipment to mechanically recycle plastic, maintaining physical properties and achieving colour and appearance targets, begins with the avant-garde laboratory in which the materials are subjected to thorough testing, thus guaranteeing the highest quality standards.
Thanks to the full recovery line which includes re-granulation, washing and mill plant, Pebo can offer its partners added value that makes it an international leader in the compound sector.
Improving the quality and performance of recycled plastics is key to their acceptance in demanding applications. Pebo has the idea to build up the science of plastics circularity and then share it with partners, improving physical properties, reducing odours and enhancing processing performance of recycled resins.
Due to the high-tech testing and production lines, Pebo has been able to become an important stakeholder in the PSV (Plastica Seconda Vita) quality process. System Group is a proud holder of the first European certification mapping the entire life-cycle of plastic waste and compound, intended for specific public procurement processes.

Pebo spa

Sede legale ed amministrativa : Località Piego Fraz. Monterone – 52038 Sestino (AR)
Tel. 0575-772458 – FAX 0575-772459
C.F./P.IVA/Iscrizione Registro Imprese di Arezzo IT01233740511
Capitale Soc. € 400.000,00 i.v.a
Numero R.E.A. 92325
Company subject to management and coordination by HB Boscarini S.p.A.

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