Centraltubi and the EPD certification

The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), drawn up by Centraltubi S.p.A. for polyethylene pipes and for the distribution of combustible gases, highlights a significant commitment to sustainability. It is a type III environmental declaration according to UNI EN ISO 14020, which provides the environmental data of a product, applying the parameters introduced in the life cycle assessment (LCA) and reporting the flows of materials, energy and potential environmental impacts at various stages of its existence.

The EPD contains information on the environmental impacts in the different life stages of a specific polyethylene pipeline, from the extraction of raw materials to the processing into the finished product, including transport, the laying, the production of waste until the final disposal of the pipeline at the end of its activity. The rules and procedures for issuing an environmental statement are defined by the EPD Italy program, the first Italian Program Operator in which companies can publish their EPDs, after the appropriate verification by an independent and accredited third party, in order to be able to communicate to the market, in a clear, validated and transparent way, the environmental impacts of one’s own product or service.

The Ministerial Decree of 23 June 2022, n. 256, introduces the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) for the award of the service of design and execution of all construction work covered by the Code of Public Contracts and promotes projects in which the use of materials and construction technologies with low environmental impact along the cycle of life, verified using LCA methodologies, as indicated by the standard on the sustainability of construction: UNI EN 15804.

The Ministerial Decree states that to assess the environmental impact of pipes throughout their life cycle (LCA), “from the cradle to the grave”, it is necessary to use specific Environmental Product Declarations (EPD). These must be controlled by an independent body, accredited and then made available through the EPD Italia program. The goal of Centraltubi is to provide specific and reliable data that allow an analysis and monitoring of the impact of a product at each stage of its life cycle in order to adopt more virtuous solutions and processes for environmental protection. This approach not only promotes greater sustainability of the works but also sets the company as a model to follow in the sector, demonstrating that it is possible to effectively combine development and respect for the environment.