Welding Machines

Butt-fusion welding machines


Butt-fusion welding machines


Butt fusion welding machines, used for joining polyethylene (PE) pipes and/or fittings for the transport of water or other pressurized fluids, to connect all PE pipe diameters available on the market. The machines can be equipped with a set of reducers for connecting smaller diameters, a “folder welding” device, a transport case, and a “control box” for recording welding cycles. Available for sale or rental.



Futura S.p.A. offers butt-fusion welding machines for welding smooth PE pipes and fittings from DE63 to DE1600.

FUT250 range DE63 ÷ DE250
FUT315 range DE90 ÷ DE315
FUT355 range DE90 ÷ DE355
FUT500 range DE200 ÷ DE500
FUT630 range DE315 ÷ DE630
FUT800 range DE450 ÷ DE800
FUT1000 range DE630 ÷ DE1000
FUT1600 range DE1000 ÷ DE1600


Electrofusion Welding Machines


Electrofusion welding machines


Electrofusion welding machines, used for joining polyethylene (PE) pipes and/or fittings with electrofusion fittings, for the transport of combustible gas, water, or other pressurized fluids. These machines are available in automatic and/or manual types and are capable of electrowelding all types and diameters of PE fittings available on the market, with or without a scanner for reading barcodes. Available for sale or rental.


Wide range of options

Futura S.p.A. has various types of electric welding machines available for rental/sale which are suitable for welding electrical fittings in PE supplied by the System Group:

Athena New Poly 230 V range DE20 ÷ DE400 voltage 8÷48 V

Athena Universal 230 V range DE20 ÷ DE800 voltage 8÷48 V equipped with scanner and USB port for data recording.


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