SA.MI plastic is part of System Group family and offers a wide range of products improving the system that is offered by the other companies of SG..

SA.MI is specialized in LDPE, HDPE water and irrigation, gas, drainage and sewerage pipes and it has recently embraced the ducting and TLC sector for whom produces multiple products. Main business of SA.MI plastic is the production of wide range of Cross-linked polyethylene – PEX pipes with aluminum barrier used predominantly in building services pipework systems, hydronic radiant heating and cooling systems or domestic water piping.

SA.MI Plastic S.p.A.

Sede legale: VIA GARIBALDI 1, 61049 URBANIA(PU) – ITALIA
Sede operativa ed amministrativa: LOCALITA’ PIEGO – FRAZIONE MONTERONE- 52038 SESTINO (AR) ITALIA
Tel. 0575/71711 – FAX 0575/772369
C.F. – P.IVA – Iscrizione Reg. Imprese di PESARO e URBINO: 01133580413
Company subject to management and coordination by HB Boscarini S.p.A.

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