Plants For Car Washes


Treatment plants for wastewater resulting from car washing plants, that are characterized by the presence of many kinds of pollutants: suspended solids (grit and sludge, gravel, ballast, plant residues, …), detergents, mineral oils and hydrocarbons. This treatment requires a number of stages aimed to remove these pollutants in succession.

The first phase consists of a grit separator, the second phase is the oil separation, and the third phase consists of a biological treatment that is chosen depending on the final delivery (public sewer, surface water courses, soil or reuse). An aerated trickle filter (DEPAUTOPF); an anaerobic trickle filter and an aerated trickle filter with sludge recirculation (DEPAUTO); an aerated trickle filter and a final quartzite and activated charcoal filter system (DEPAUTO T4) that permit to reuse the treated water.


access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
made of 100% virgin and non-toxic material
suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
inert to stray currents
not subject to deterioration over time
100% recyclable

 Impianti per autolavaggi


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