Today we want to talk to you about a very important theme related to the now consolidated procedures for public works contracts, namely improvement contracts. More and more often in the daily discussion with Companies and Designers, one of the always “hot” topics is, what to propose as an improvement in the case of contracts in which underground pipelines are planned? The automatic answer for me is PIPE TRACER
The Pipe Tracer geolocation system brings significant operational advantages to utilities, impacting moderately on the extra cost for project execution borne by the contractor. It represents an optimal trade-off between costs and benefits.
In this regard, companies SOLIMENO, BICICCHI, and CERAGIOLI have won important tenders in the TUSCANY REGION by proposing this innovative system for georeferencing underground pipelines to contracting authorities (GAIA and NUOVE ACQUE). Network managers also need to carry out fast and cost-effective interventions while minimizing disruption to the populations in affected areas (excavations on roads and/or sidewalks), thereby avoiding damage to other underground infrastructures and service interruptions.
With Pipe Tracer, there is effectively a perfectly traceable infrastructure mapped in terms of both plan and altitude, with a high degree of precision, regardless of the type, diameter, and material of the pipes to be traced. This ensures timely and effective interventions in case of failures, enabling quick responses.
The system is composed of:
- Tracer metal cable, sheathed inside a rectangular profile of HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene)
- Truncated-conical cast iron manholes where plastic “connection boxes” are housed
- Connection joints for the cables, of two types: straight and T-shaped
- Connection boxes, colored to match that of the cable (based on the service)
How is geolocation carried out?
Geolocation through the PIPE TRACER system occurs by accurately detecting the points of emission of electromagnetic signals, which are continuous along the stainless steel cable positioned on the pipes.
There is no depth limit. The system works with any signal generation and detection device available on the market; no specific device is required.
For referencing, the PIPE TRACER system utilizes RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology. This technology is used for automatic identification and/or storage of information, based on the data storage capacity of special electronic labels called tags (or transponders), and their ability to respond to queries remotely from fixed or portable devices called readers. RFID tags can range in size depending on their data storage capabilities.
A simple and secure way to manage the referencing of network infrastructures, such as those equipped with the PIPE TRACER system, involves encoding all RFID tags with codes chosen by the operator. For example, in the diagram we see an illustrative layout of connection terminals, each containing a connection box equipped with RFID tags, which are named (encoded) with names like Ti followed by a progressive number (Ti12 – Ti13 – Ti14, etc.).
This allows the operator to create a customized database for their own use, where they can input all necessary information and update it as needed after subsequent interventions, without concerns about memory space limitations typical of RFID tags. While data can still be stored directly on RFID tags, operators typically aim to keep their network data as confidential as possible to prevent unauthorized access.
Furthermore, in case of discrepancies between the data recorded on individual tags and those recorded in the company’s computerized management systems, conflicts may arise requiring re-assessment of the actual situation to resolve the inconsistency. Having a centralized data registration center – the company’s centralized system – helps avoid such issues. To facilitate operational efficiency for construction workers, the centralized system can be equipped with password-protected access for data retrieval from the site via tablets or smartphones.
Further insights
If you want to delve deeper and make the most of the competitive advantages offered by PIPE TRACER, you can contact us here:
- CONSULTANTS Click here (System Group technical department at your service)
- CONTRACTORS Click here (product sheet and commercial contacts)
Have a great day and good work!
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