
PE sleeve for smooth cable protection pipes


PE sleeve for smooth cable protection pipes


Polyethylene (PE) sleeve for the jointing of solid smooth-walled PE pipes for cable protection, equipped with EPDM sealing gaskets and system certifications for IP66 and IP68 protection ratings, for diameters 200 – 225 – 250 mm.


For quick connections of PE pipes and fittings for:

  • Cable protection


  • High sealing reliability (IP66 + IP68 IMQ certified)
  • Easy and fast installation
  • Inert to stray currents
  • High chemical resistance (ISO/TR 10358)
  • High impact resistance
  • Material homogeneity in PE systems
  • Recyclability



Lift station


Lift station


Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) storage tank of various sizes, with a submerged electric pump installed inside it. Sewage lift stations are systems that allow effluent to be lifted and transferred to stations located at higher levels (sewerage systems, treatment systems). Depending on the customer’s need, the lift stations can be equipped with various types of pumps with different heads, flow rates and working pressures.


access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
made of 100% virgin and atoxic material
suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
inert to stray currents
not subject to deterioration over time
100% recyclable


High efficiency secondary treatment


High efficiency secondary treatment


Dual stage biological treatment system with sludge recirculation for secondary treatment of domestic sewage or similar. Fitted with inlet, outlet and connection pipes in PVC.

Biological treatment plant with one-piece anaerobic percolating filter with corrugated tank made of polyethylene (PE), complete of large surface area black isotactic PP filter medium.

Low-load biological activated sludge treatment plant made of one-piece corrugated polyethylene (PE) tank, equipped with an air blowing and effluent movement system consisting of a diaphragm blower/compressor, rubber pipe and micropore rubber diffuser plate/s; this system has an excess sludge recirculation pipe from the activated sludge to the percolating filter, which is air-lift type fed by a second blower/compressor.


  • lightness
  • access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
  • easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
  • made of 100% virgin and non-toxic material
  • suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
  • High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
  • inert to stray currents
  • not subject to deterioration over time
  • 100% recyclable


Activated Sludge Plants


Activated Sludge Plants


Corrugated/smooth container and sedimentation chamber made of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), equipped with PP threaded inspection covers + inlet and outlet pipes, for secondary treatment of wastewater coming from residential buildings or similar, from 2 up to 180 PE (Population Equivalent)


access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
made of 100% virgin and non-toxic material
suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
inert to stray currents
not subject to deterioration over time
100% recyclable


Plants For Car Washes


Plants For Car Washes


Treatment plants for wastewater resulting from car washing plants, that are characterized by the presence of many kinds of pollutants: suspended solids (grit and sludge, gravel, ballast, plant residues, …), detergents, mineral oils and hydrocarbons. This treatment requires a number of stages aimed to remove these pollutants in succession.

The first phase consists of a grit separator, the second phase is the oil separation, and the third phase consists of a biological treatment that is chosen depending on the final delivery (public sewer, surface water courses, soil or reuse). An aerated trickle filter (DEPAUTOPF); an anaerobic trickle filter and an aerated trickle filter with sludge recirculation (DEPAUTO); an aerated trickle filter and a final quartzite and activated charcoal filter system (DEPAUTO T4) that permit to reuse the treated water.


access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
made of 100% virgin and non-toxic material
suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
inert to stray currents
not subject to deterioration over time
100% recyclable

 Impianti per autolavaggi


INFINITANK Low Load Activated Sludge Treatment



Material: modular tank for underground installation and separator in linear high-density polyethylene (LLDPE). Fitted with inlet and outlet pipe in PVC, blowers and micropore plate for air distribution.

Application: treatment of domestic wastewater by means of primary sedimentation and anaerobic digestion of sludge in biological tanks and subsequent secondary activated sludge aerobic digestion. Rototec’s treatment plant is sized for an average domestic effluent with  a daily load factor of 200 l/AE  and a daily organic pollution of 60gBOD/AE per person. The inlet concentration is assumed to be of 240 mgBOD/l  and providing a primary treatment of type Imhoff or septic tank upstream of the plant. It is of major importance to separate oils and foams upstream of the activated sludge tank as they could adversely affect the treatment efficiency which accounts up to 90% under regular conditions (percentage of reduction of the organic load as per BOD5).

Use and maintenance: it is advisable to inspect the tank at least once a year and to proceed with any necessary extraction of the excess sludge. These operations are usually performed in combination with the inspection and purge of the primary treatments (oil separator and organic tank). The cleaning will be performed by extracting a part of the excess sludge, removing accumulations on inlet and outlet pipes and cleaning the air diffusers in order to prevent possible clogging. Periodically check the operation of the blowers-compressors.



INFINITANK One – Piece Structure Activated Sludge Treatment


Infinitank one-piece structure actived sludge Treatment

Material: modular tank for underground installation and sedimentation chamber in linear high-density polyethylene (LLDPE). Fitted with inlet and outlet pipe in PVC, blowers and micropore plates for air distribution. Subdivided in two sections for sludge settling and biological oxidation.

Application:treatment of domestic wastewater by means of primary sedimentation and anaerobic digestion of sludge in biological tanks and subsequent secondary activated sludge aerobic digestion. Rototec’s one-piece structured treatment plant is sized for an average domestic effluent with a daily load factor of 200 l/AE  and a daily organic pollution of 60gBOD/AE per person. It is of major importance to separate oils and foams upstream of the activated sludge tank as they could adversely affect the treatment efficiency which accounts up to 90% under regular conditions (percentage of reduction of the organic load as per BOD5). The treated effluent complies with the emission limits described in Table 3 of Law Decree 152/2006 for discharge into surface water courses.

Use and maintenance: it is advisable to inspect the tank at least once a year and to proceed with any necessary extraction of the sludge which is mainly accumulating in the primary sector but also in the activated sludge chamber. The cleaning will be performed by extracting a part of the excess sludge, removing accumulations on inlet and outlet pipes and cleaning the air diffusers in order to prevent possible clogging. Periodically check the operation of the blowers-compressors.


Carefully follow the “INFINITANK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS” supplied by ROTOTEC.Cattura

INFINITANK Imohoff Septic Tanks



Material: corrugated underground container of modular type and sedimentation chamber in LLDPE with PVC inlet and outlet pipes. Manufactured according to standard UNI-EN 12566-3. The Legislative Decree n°152/2006 goes back to the Interministerial Committee on water protection (supplemento ordinario alla G.U. n. 48 del 21/02/77 par. 4), requiring average volumes of 40 I for the sedimentation chamber and of 100 l for the digestion compartment for underground civil wastewater. In the regional versions of Emilia Romagna and Umbria, the Imhoff tanks are sized according to D.G.R 1053/2003 (Emilia Romagna) and D.G.R. 1171/2007 (Umbria).

Application: purification of civil wastewater through primary sedimentation treatment and smudge biological digestion. This  type  of  treatment  also  allows  the simultaneous removal of 25-30% of the organic content, in terms of BOD5. Imhoff tanks consist of two overlapping and hydraulically communicating compartments. In the upper compartment, the sedimentable solids gravitate to the bottom of the sedimentation chamber, which has a suitable inclination to allow the sludge to pass to the lower compartment where it is digested. This type of plant makes use of the combined actions of a mechanical sedimentation process and a biological treatment of cold anaerobic digestion.

Use and maintenance: an excessive accumulation of putrescible material at the bottom of the tank can cause uncontrolled anaerobic digestion phenomena, leading to an over-production of biogas and the development of malodorous emissions. Furthermore, the reduction in the volume available in the digestion compartment and the excessive production of gas bubbles will cause the settled material to rise, thus causing deterioration in the quality of the treated effluent. The use of the Rototec BIO-ACTIVATOR is highly recommended for rendering the initiation of the biological processes more rapid, thus limiting the number of sludge removal operations and reducing the risk of malodorous emissions. The Imhoff tanks are designed to pro-vide primary sludge storage for a period of 6-8 months of plant operation. When sizing plant for Sensitive Areas, the frequency of sludge emptying operations is reduced to once every 12-14 months. A minimum of 1-2 inspections per year by qualified personnel and eventual emptying operations must be programmed according to the loads fed to the tank. Once the settled sludge has been removed, the internal surfaces of the tank must be cleaned in order to eliminate any material obstructing the effluent inlet and outlet pipes and the outlet of the sedimentation chamber.

Installation: please follow underground installation instructions provided by Rototec.


Infinitank Septic Tanks



corrugated modular container in LLDPE with PVC inlet and outlet pipes and PE sedimentation chamber. Manufactured according to standard UNI-EN 12566-3. The Table 3 of Law Decree 152/06 specifies the limits for delivery to public sewers. The sizing proposed make it possible to reach a retention time of 2-3 hours at mean flow rate in the sedimentation compartment, thus enabling the removal of the solid and organic components required by law. The application shall be assessed by the public sewer service operator.

primary treatment and anaerobic digestion of wastewater coming from residential buildings.

Use and maintenance:
designed to provide primary sludge storage for a minimum period of 4-5 months of plant operation. A minimum of 1-2 inspections per year by qualified personnel and eventual emptying operations must be programmed according to the loads fed to the tank. Once the settled sludge has been removed, the internal surfaces of the tank must be cleaned in order to eliminate any material obstructing the effluent inlet and outlet pipes and the outlet of the sedimentation chamber.

Installation: please follow underground installation instructions provided by Rototec.

Imhoff Biolagical Tank



corrugated/smooth container and sedimentation chamber in one-piece LLDPE with PVC inlet and outlet pipes. Manufactured according to standard UNI-EN 12566-3. The Table 3 of Law Decree 152/06 specifies the limits for delivery to public sewers. The sizing proposed make it possible to reach a retention time of 2-3 hours at mean flow rate in the sedimentation compartment, thus enabling the removal of the solid and organic components required by law. The application shall be assessed by the public sewer service operator.

primary treatment and anaerobic digestion of wastewater coming from residential buildings.

Use and maintenance:
The Imhoff tanks are designed to provide primary sludge storage for a minimum period of 4-5 months of plant operation. A minimum of 1-2 inspections per year by qualified personnel and eventual emptying operations must be programmed according to the loads fed to the tank. Once the settled sludge has been removed, the internal surfaces of the tank must be cleaned in order to eliminate any material obstructing the effluent inlet and outlet pipes and the outlet of the sedimentation chamber.

Installation: please follow underground installation instructions provided by Rototec.

Percolating Filters


Percolating Filters


Corrugated tank made of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), one-piece structure, with PVC inlet dispersion pipe and outlet pipe. Black polypropylene filling materials with high specific surface area for secondary treatment of wastewater coming from residential buildings or similar, from 3 up to 250 PE (Population Equivalent)


access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
made of 100% virgin and non-toxic material
suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
inert to stray currents
not subject to deterioration over time
100% recyclable


Oil Separators



smooth/corrugated tank and sedimentation chamber in LLDPE, one-piece  structure, fitted with PVC inlet and outlet pipes. Designed for gravity separation of solid materials and oil particles up to 150 µm. Sized according to UNI-EN 858-1 and UNI-EN 858-2, class two oil separator. The version with coalescing filter complies with standard UNI-EN 858-1 and UNI-EN 858-2, class one oil separator fitted with removable coalescing filter made of polyurethane sponge, steel and PVC.

designed for treating surface runoff from uncovered/covered drainage areas with presence of heavy sediments, mineral oils and hydrocarbons and discharge to public sewer. Designed for treating surface runoff from hardstandings with minor presence of heavy sediments, mineral oils and hydrocarbons and discharge to public sewer. In case of uncovered area, the flow rate is calculated considering a rainfall of 20 mm/h and a unit runoff rate.

Use and maintenance:
an excessive accumulation of floating material causes a reduction in the volume available for separation. This risk worsens in the  presence  of  considerable  quantities  of  sedimentable  substances that settle at the bottom of the plant. To prevent the escape  of  solids  and  mineral  oils  that  could  compromise  the quality of the discharged effluent, it advisable to carry out frequent  inspections  and  removal  of  the  accumulated  pollutants every 6-8 months. These operations should be more frequent if the plant receives effluent from vehicle workshops, oil storage areas or vehicle washes. The deposits must be removed by specialised personnel and subjected to the appropriate treatment. As far as maintenance of the coalescing filter oil separators is concerned, in addition to the normal emptying, it is also advisable to remove the sponge support and wash it thoroughly upstream of the plant.

Installation: please follow underground installation instructions provided by Rototec.

Offline Treatment Of Stormwater Runoff



Offline treatment of stormwater runoff sized in accordance with Lombardy Regional Law n°62 of 27th May 1985 consisting of underground modular tanks in LLDPE produced by rotomoulding and PVC pipes. The plant includes a flow splitting chamber, a modular storage system/grit separator with automatic shut-off valve and timed submersible pump, a grit and an oil separation system with coalescing filter sized according to UNI-EN 858-1 and complying with the requirements of D.lgs 152/2006.

Treatment of stored stormwater runoff from impermeable areas with presence of mineral oils, hydrocarbons and heavy sediments coming from vehicules parks placed in industrial and residential areas as well as service stations.

the runoff water coming from impermeable transit areas flow to the treatment system, which is sized to treat the first 5 mm of rainfall. Once the storage tank has been filled, a shut-off valve activates the bypass which sends the secondary and not-polluting rainwater to the storage tank. The stored and polluted rainwater is evacuated by a submersible pump controlled by an electric panel that regulates the emptying of the storage tank in such a manner that 48/72 hours after the rainfall, the system is ready for a new operating cycle. This step is required in order to avoid overloading the urban drainage system and to ensure that only the rainwater producing a potentially polluted runoff flow is treated. The runoff water is consequently sent to the grit and oil separators. The last stage of the treatment is defined according to the discharge: a gravity oil separator is foreseen in case of a public sewer, while in case of a surface watercourse the treatment plant consists of a coalescing filter oil separator.

Installation: please strictly follow the “installation instructions” provided by Rototec.

Infinitank Treatment Of Stored Stormwater Runoff



Treatment of stored stormwater runoff sized in accordance with Lombardy Regional Law n°62 of 27th May 1985 consisting of underground modular tanks in LLDPE produced by rotomoulding and PVC pipes. The plant includes a flow splitting chamber, a modular storage system/grit separator with automatic shut-off valve and timed submersible pump, a grit and an oil separation system with coalescing filter sized according to UNI-EN 858-1 and complying with the requirements of D.lgs 152/2006.

Treatment of stored stormwater runoff from impermeable areas with presence of mineral oils, hydrocarbons and heavy sediments coming from vehicules parks placed in industrial and residential areas as well as service stations.

the runoff water coming from impermeable transit areas flow to the treatment system, which is sized to treat the first 5 mm of rainfall. Once the storage tank has been filled, a shut-off valve activates the bypass which sends the secondary and not-polluting rainwater to the storage tank. The stored and polluted rainwater is evacuated by a submersible pump controlled by an electric panel that regulates the emptying of the storage tank in such a manner that 48/72 hours after the rainfall, the system is ready for a new operating cycle. This step is required in order to avoid overloading the urban drainage system and to ensure that only the rainwater producing a potentially polluted runoff flow is treated. The runoff water is consequently sent to the grit and oil separators. The last stage of the treatment is defined according to the discharge: a gravity oil separator is foreseen in case of a public sewer, while in case of a surface watercourse the treatment plant consists of a coalescing filter oil separator.

Installation: please strictly follow the “installation instructions” provided by Rototec.

Infinitank Continuous Treatment Of Stormwater Runoff



continuous  treatment  of  stormwater  runoff  consisting  of LLDPE modular tank, one-piece structure, with PVC inlet and outlet pipes and NBR rubber gaskets, including flow  splitting  chamber, grit  and  oil  separators  with  coalescing  filters sized according to UNI-EN858-1 and complying with requirements of Reg. Lombardia L.R. 27 maggio 1985 n. 62.

The  plant  allows  the  continuous  treatment  of  stormwater  runoff from  impermeable  surfaces  up  to  10000 m2  used  for  transit  or parking in industrial areas, residential zones and service stations subject  to  possible  pollution  from  mineral  oils,  hydrocarbons, sand/grit  and  inert  materials.  The  stormwater runoff  treatment system makes use of the action of a grit and oil separator in continuous operation capable of treating flows of up to 40 l/s. Runoff from impermeable transit areas must be carried to the treatment system. The treatment tanks receive the flow appartaining to first 5 mm of rain falling over a 15 minute period. For higher flows, the bypass is activated which sends the excess to the stormwater storage tanks. The treatment plant consists of a grit separator and an oil separator with coalescing filter, thus ensuring that the final effluent possesses the appropriate characteristics for discharge to a body of surface water.

Use and maintenance:
the grit, oils and other light liquids transported by stormwater runoff accumulate inside the tanks during the normal exercise of the plant. These accumulations become excessive over time and tend to affect the efficiency of the purification. For this reason, it is essential to carry out periodic inspections of the tanks and, if necessary, proceed with purging and cleaning. The frequency of such operations depends on the pollutant load of the effluent. As regards the coalescing filter, it is necessary to pull it out periodically and wash it with a strong jet of water. The purging must be carried out by competent and authorized companies as the effluent is considered hazardous waste and must be treated as such.

please strictly follow the “installation instructions” provided by ROTOTEC.

Wetland Treatment System



beds in linear high density polyethylene (LLDPE) for horizontal subsurface-flow wetland treatment through PVC connection pipe with rubber gaskets and deflector T, LLPDE level chambers with PVC inlet and outlet and rubber gaskets.

secondary or tertiary treatment of civil wastewater through horizontal subsurface-flow wetland system.

Use and maintenance:
in order to ensure the good operation of wetland systems, one must guarantee the proper functioning of the primary treatments (grease separator, Imhoff septic tank) and possibly of the secondary treatments installed upstream of the beds, checking deposits of solid material that could obstruct the distribution systems and accumulate in the soil in which the vegetation grows. During the laying operation, the beds should be placed so as to minimize the inflow of rainwater to the treatment system, creating small sidewalls and reducing the runoff, thus facilitating the growth of turf near the beds. Inspections on the level chambers (DD150FT) shall be carried out every three months with removal of weeds that could affect the development of the species selected for the treatment. Together with the purging interventions of the primary and possibly secondary treatment systems, the distribution pipes shall be additionally cleaned with a pressure wash system.

please follow the underground installation instructions provided in the manual attached.

Disegno tecnico fito

Submersed Electric Pump For Sewage Backup



tie-rods, handle, nuts and bolts, motor casing and shaft in stainless steel; cover, pump body and impeller in mechanic cast iron; mechanical seal in graphite and ceramic; asynchronous motor with short-circuit rotor in coolant bath mounted on ball bearings.

submersed electric pump with set-back or double-channel impeller for pumping of waste water, sewage backup and septic tanks; drainage of rainwater; pumping of liquids containing solids and filaments (with set-back impeller).

Use and maintenance:
under normal operating conditions, the electric pump does not  require  any  maintenance  operations.  In case of permanent installation, an annual inspection is recommended in which the liquid inlet is cleaned (and the metal filter, if any) of mud and debris and the wear conditions of the impeller are checked as well as the status of electric cable, handle and fastener.

Pompe acque nere con misure-ok

Submersed Pump For Clear Waters



outer casing, handle, nuts and bolts, motor casing and shaft in stainless steel; pipe union, motor and central body cover in brass; impellers and diffusers in noryl® reinforced in fibreglass, certified for potable water; mechanical seal in graphite and ceramic with lubrication chamber; asynchronous motor with short-circuit rotor mounted on ball bearings.

submersed electric pump for pumping water from stormwater tanks and wells.

Use and maintenance:
under normal operating conditions, the electric pump does not require any maintenance operations. It is advisable to periodically check the current absorption and delivery pressure of the pump. A current absorption higher than the nominal value can be caused by abnormal mechanical friction in the motor or pump. A reduction in delivery pressure can be caused by wear in the hydraulic  components of the pump.


Aerobic / Anaerobic Percolating Filter Infinitank



Technical characteristics:
A percolating filter is a biological reactor, inside which the micro- organisms that purify the effluent develop on the surface of special bulk fill material (filter media). The uniform distribution of the effluent through the filter guarantees maximum contact between the organic material to purify and the biological film covering the spheres making up the fill material. The spheres of the filter media are manufactured in polypropylene and are designed to provide a large surface area available for bacterial micro-organisms to take root. In particular, the spheres used provide a surface area per unit volume of filter media of 140 m2/m3, much higher than the traditional stone fill material, with voids accounting for over 90% of the volume. This solution minimises the risk of clogging the bed and also guarantees an improved circulation of air through the bed of the aerobic filter. Percolating filters allow good purification performance without any energy overheads, with management costs limited to the occasional cleaning of the plant. The sizing of percolating filters for an average domestic effluent refers to the organic load factor (kgBOD /m3d) with which the filter is fed. This parameter is the ratio between the organic load at the inlet (kgBOD d) and the volume of the filter bed. Rototec filters are designed to operate with medium-low organic load factors (kgBOD /m3d). This guarantees a good margin of safety, with respect to fluctuations in inlet flow, and a limited produc-

Treatment of domestic raw sewage for secondary treatment at low volumetric hydraulic and organic load by means of adhered biomass aerobic digestion.

Use and maintenance:
The development of the films on the filter media can over time excessively dirty the filter, with the resulting risk of solids being discharged with the treated effluent. In order to avoid an excessively turbid discharge it is advisable to inspect and clean the filter at least once a year. These operations are normally carried out as part of the Imhoff tank inspection and emptying operations. Cleaning is performed by thoroughly washing the filter bed, backwashing where necessary, paying particular attention to remove any accumulations in the inlet and outlet pipes. It should be remembered that in order for the percolating filter to function correctly, the effluent must first be subjected to primary sedimentation treatment in an Imhoff tank or similar installed upstream of the filter.In the case of aerobic percolating filters, it is necessary to install a sedimentation tank downstream which will settle out any sludge residues released by the filter.

Installation: Carefully follow the “INFINITANK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS” provided by ROTOTEC.

Schema di installazione

Infinitank Grease And Grit Separators



Modular tank for underground installation in linear high-density polyethylene (LLDPE). Fitted with inlet and outlet pipe in PVC. Sized in accordance with UNI-EN 1825-1 and UNI-EN 1825-2 norms to guarantee a sewage retention time of at least 4 minutes at peak flow and more than 15 minutes at mean daily flow rate.

The grease separator is a physical pre-treatment process that removes oils, foams, greases and all substances with specific weight inferior to that of the effluent.

Use and maintenance:
The substances removed by floatation accumulate at the surface of the grease separator in the form of a surface crust, while the heavier solids settle at the bottom of the tank to form a deposit of putrescible sludge. It is advisable to provide for the periodic removal of the accumulated materials, an excessive accumulation of sludge in the grease separator can cause septic conditions to develop with the resulting malodorous emissions, in particular during the summer. In this respect, it is advisable to contact the appropriately qualified personnel who will remove the accumulated surface mass and settled sludge as well as any film adhering to the surfaces of the tank, paying particular attention to the sediments that could obstruct the effluent inlet and outlet. The frequency of these operations depends on the amount of greases, oils and sedimentable solids present in the effluent. However, it is highly recommended that the separation chamber is inspected every one or two months.

Installation: Carefully follow the “INFINITANK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS” supplied by ROTOTEC.

Schema di installazione

Grit Separators


Grit Separators


Corrugated/smooth tank made of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), equipped of PP threaded inspection covers + inlet and outlet pipes, for a physical pre-treatment process of removing stones, sand, and all those substances with specific weight higher than water, running off from covered and uncovered surfaces (roads, car parks, warehouse hardstandings, etc.) and wash areas.

The grit separator is a settling tank in which the velocity of the fluid is reduced, allowing suspended solids to settle and accumulate at the bottom of the tank.


  • lightness
  • access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
  • easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
  • made of 100% virgin and non-toxic material
  • suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
  • High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
  • inert to stray currents
  • not subject to deterioration over time
  • 100% recyclable


Repair clamps


Repair clamps


Repair clamps for failures on pipes with flat outer surface, either plastic, stone or metal. They consist of fixing elements of cast iron with clamping screws and bolts of galvanised steel, and a stainless steel band with a NBR rubber surface on the inside for winding the pipe where the failure is located. Diameters range from DN 16 up to DN 750 mm. Clamps  are used for temporary repairs on pipes that are used for water or gas distribution with or without pressure. Upon request, it is possible to take into consideration the production of models for customised diameters.


Application flexibility
Easy and quick to use
Wide range of sizes and performances


PE male/male formed fittings for double wall corrugated pipes for Non-pressure networks




Fittings consisting of double wall corrugated pipes of high density polyethylene (HDPE), smooth on the inside and corrugated on the outside. They are available in black colour with customised or standard shapes and angles and with both “male” end joints. Couplings and gaskets on request.


Wide range of diameters and shapes
Fittings can be customised
Ring stiffness: SN 4-8
Smooth on the inside and corrugated on the outside
Sleeve connections with gaskets
Lightweight and quick to install
High chemical and abrasion resistance
Inert to stray currents



Irrigation stations modular


Irrigation stations modular


Modular Underground tanks made of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), tank and system for the storage and re-use of rainwater, for underground installation, fitted with a PVC inlet stilling pipe and overflow pipe, PP outlet pipe and connectors, submersible electric pump, polyethylene (PE) delivery pipe, clapet type check valve, pump lift chain and electronic control pressure switch.

These systems allow rainwater to be harvested for the so-called “less noble” uses, i.e.: watering gardens,        washing outside areas and cars, filling toilet cisterns (only mod. HABITA)


access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
made of 100% virgin and non-toxic material
suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
inert to stray currents
not subject to deterioration over time
100% recyclable


Irrigation stations


Irrigation stations


One-piece polyethylene (PE) tank and system for the storage and re-use of rainwater, for underground installation, fitted with a PVC inlet stilling pipe and overflow pipe, PE outlet pipe and connectors, submersible electric pump, polyethylene (PE) delivery pipe, clapet type check valve, pump lift chain and electronic control pressure switch.

These systems allow rainwater to be harvested for the so-called “less noble” uses, i.e.: watering gardens,        washing outside areas and cars, filling toilet cisterns (only mod. HABITA)


access manhole for maintenance and inspection; optional extension
easy, fast, safe and very economical to install
made of 100% virgin and non-toxic material
suitable to support significant changes in temperature (- 20 up to + 80°C)
High resistance to corrosion and oxidation
inert to stray currents
not subject to deterioration over time
100% recyclable


Infinitank Storage Tanks



Application: tanks for storage of potable water, rainwater or other liquids for human consumption. Thanks to the high resistance and low reactivity of linear high density polyethylene, the underground tanks can be used for the storage of large volumes of liquids (see Compatibility of PE with other fluids).

Use and maintenance: the tanks are not subject to deterioration over time. The materials used assure utmost reliability against oxidation or corrosion. Their mono-block structure guarantees robusticity and strength as they are free of welds that could weaken those parts subjected to internal stresses. Tanks can be bored when the need arises. The smoothness of their surface results in an easy maintenance and their lightness in simple transport and installation. Furthermore, their cost is much lower than that of other materials such as metal, cement and fibreglass.

Modularity: Thanks to the installation of PE flanged joints, different tanks can be connected to provide higher storage volumes.

Available colours: black and grey.

Installation: underground installation instructions provided by ROTOTEC.

The tanks must not, under any circumstances, be installed above ground; prior to installation, carefully check the integrity of the tanks and tightness of the gaskets; do not install the tanks near to sources of heat; the tanks must be positioned on a flat stable surface; when installing the tanks make sure that no light can filter in so as to prevent the formation of algae; use flexible hoses when connecting to the water system in order to prevent stresses during tank filling and emptying; do not leave the tank without its cover for any length of time; in case of rainwater storage, it is advisable to install a leaf filter chamber upstream of the tank to prevent a build-up of grit, silt, leaves, etc inside the tank; for storing fluids not expressly indicated in this catalogue (see page 68), please contact the technical office.

Underground Tanks



tanks for storage of potable water, rainwater or other liquids for human consumption. Thanks to the high resistance and low reactivity of linear high density polyethylene, the underground tanks can be used for the storage of large volumes of liquids (see Compatibility of PE with other fluids).

Use and maintenance:
the underground tanks are not subject to deterioration over time. The materials used assure utmost reliability against oxidation or corrosion. Their mono-block structure guarantees robusticity and strength as they are free of welds that could weaken those parts subjected to internal stresses. Tanks can be bored when the need arises. The smoothness of their surface results in an easy maintenance and their lightness in simple transport and installation. Furthermore, their cost is much lower than that of other materials such as metal, cement and fibreglass.

Thanks to the installation of PE flanged joints, different tanks can be connected to provide higher storage volumes.

Available colours:
black and grey.

Installation: underground installation instructions provided by ROTOTEC.

The underground tanks must not, under any circumstances, be installed above ground; prior to installation, carefully check the integrity of the tanks and tightness of the gaskets; do not install the tanks near to sources of heat; the tanks must be positioned on a flat stable surface; when installing the tanks make sure that no light can filter in so as to prevent the formation of algae; use flexible hoses when connecting to the water system in order to prevent stresses during tank filling and emptying; do not leave the tank without its cover for any length of time; in case of rainwater storage, it is advisable to install a leaf filter chamber upstream of the tank to prevent a build-up of grit, silt, leaves, etc inside the tank; for storing fluids not expressly indicated in this catalogue (see page 68), please contact the technical office.

Above Ground Tanks



tanks for storage of potable water, rainwater or other liquids for human consumption. Thanks to the high resistance and low reactivity of linear high density polyethylene, the above ground tanks can be used for the storage of large volumes of liquids (see Compatibility of PE with other fluids).

Use and maintenance:
the above ground tanks support sudden changes in temperature (from -20 to + 80 °C) and are not subject to deterioration over time. The materials used assure utmost reliability against oxidation or corrosion. Their mono-block structure guarantees robusticity and strength as they are free of welds that could weaken those parts subjected to internal stresses. Tanks can be bored when the need arises. The smoothness of their surface results in an easy maintenance and their lightness in simple transport and installation. Furthermore, their cost is much lower than that of other materials such as metal, cement and fibreglass.

Available colours:
standard: blue; on demand: green, terracotta and grey.

The above ground tanks must not, under any circumstances, be installed underground; prior to installation, carefully check the integrity of the tanks and tightness of the gaskets; do not install the tanks near to sources of heat; the tanks must be positioned on a flat stable surface; when installing the tanks make sure that no light can filter in so as to prevent the formation of algae; use flexible hoses when connecting to the water system in order to prevent stresses during tank filling and emptying; do not leave the tank without its cover for any length of time; for storing fluids not expressly indicated in this catalogue (see page 68), please contact the technical office.


EUROPAS SAFE10 Solid wall PE 100 RC pipes (Resistant to Crack) type 2


EUROPAS SAFE10 Solid wall PE100 RC pipes (Resistant to Crack) type 2


High density polyethylene (HDPE) PE100 RC pipes, made with black inner layer (90%) and with blue outer layer (10%) – type 2, for the transport of pressure water, for human consumption too, with product quality mark in compliance with (UNI) EN 12201-2 standard issued by an accredited independent organization according to UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17065/2012 and UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17020/2012 (certification of product conformity), and certified DIN PLUS in compliance with PAS 1075 technical standard.


Detection of obligation to repair damage
When deeper than the colored external wall
Reduction / elimination of maintenance
Lower network management costs
Higher service efficiency
Less problems for final users
Longer life-span
Pipes completely compliant to the various standards
Correspondent to all types of connections
Suitable for no-dig
More resistant to chemical agents
Advantageous cost/benefit rapport


MAGNUM HDPE double wall corrugated pipe for non-pressure networks


MAGNUM HDPE double wall corrugated pipe for non-pressure networks


Double wall corrugated pipes made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) with a smooth inner surface and a corrugated outer one, available in black colour.
The Outer Diameter (OD) goes from 125 up to 1200 mm, while the Inner Diameter (ID) goes from 250 up to 1000 mm. Pipes are delivered in bars.


Wide range of diameters
Ring stiffness: SN 4-8
Smooth on the inside and corrugated on the outside
Socket or coupling connections with double sealing gasket
Lightweight and easy installation
High chemical and abrasion resistance
Inert to stray currents


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